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Options / Advanced Menu
Obsolete items have been removed from this menu as of version 5.58(released Oct 14, 2016). In this menu you see:
- Qsuggest Popups when checked if an admin or Tomato bot send you a qsuggest, it will bring up a dialog with the suggestion for the user to hit ok or cancel. For example in a tournament,
tomato might suggest with a qsuggest dialog for you to match your opponent and you just have to hit ok. If not checked the dialogs will not popup for these events.
- Always Show Console Edit Menu
As of version 5.58(released Oct 14, 2016), removing the Console Menu from chat consoles by going to Appearance - Show Console Menu Bar and deslecting it will leave the Edit menu. If the user deselects Always Show Console Edit Menu then there will be no menu at top of chat consoles when Console menu is deslected.
- Channel Numbers on Left This is default to on, it means channel tells will be # name: text. like for channel 2 it would show 2 Mike: hi if Mike did tell 2 hi. If not checked channel numbers are no
longer at far left but resemble BlitzIn and Jin i.e it would show Mike(2): hi
- Auto Buffer Chat length Normally as a chat window fills up with chat after 55,000 characters lantern will start to buffer the chat or erase the oldest text as new text fills. With this off, Lantern
will never delete chat from a chat window and you can just let it fill and fill. Can make tab switching a big sluggish. But you can also right click on tab name, and select clear chat menu item or on the
tab menu Advanced menu, trim chat, which cuts the chat in half. This could also allow you if turned off to manually handle eraseing text and copy and paste chat text you want to save before deleting.
- Large Chat Buffer Prior to version 5.60(Released Oct 20, 2026), Lanterns chat buffer was 100,000 characters. In version 5.60 it is changed to 55,000 characters to increase responsiveness. For users who want the larger chat buffer of 100,000 characters, they can select this option. It works when auto buffer chat length is on.
- Make Boards always on top This has its own help page Make Chess Boards Always on Top and Detached Windows.
- Don't Reuse Game TabsIf a game ends and the user was to observe another, the game would use a game tab that had a done game rather than create a new tab. With this selected it will always create a new tab. The user must manually close game tabs to not exceed the limit of tabs the interface supports.
- Auto Name Popup Lantern will popup a popup men when you double click on a name in the chat area. Has commands like finger name or history name. With this checked you need only double click. Without this checked
you double click on a name and then also have to right click.
- Auto History Popup If you double click on a history game it makes a popup menu to choose from things like save pgn or examine. If this is not checked you must right click for this menu and double click on a history
item will show the game in sposition mode similar to BlitzIn
- Use Basketball Logo For ICC Flag ICC sends country info for ICC bots like TrainingBot or the Wimps as 'ICC' not US. There are two flags Lantern uses now for icc bots. The default is an old icc logo that you will see
for example if you play trainingbot. Check this to try a second alternative flag that shows a Basketball and a Blue rook. May not update till a new game.
- Indent Multi Line tells If checked, if a tell is printed in the chat window that spans more than one line, the second and third ect will indent.
- `` behavior this is actually another sub menu with 3 choices on it. Lantern by default italicizes text between ` ` in channel tells like dasher does. You can choose to turn this off, and do nothing or
just make the text a brighter color, in this sub menu, depending on your preference.
saving when your done
You'll have an option to save your settings like tab names and customization when you log out, if you want to force a save before then, go to file menu/ save settings.
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