On ICC, players may have FIDE titles of GM, WGM, IM, WIM, FM,
and WFM. Sending who T will show the online titled chess
players in a console. Lantern can issue (as of version 5.50)
this command from Actions / Show Titled Players Online,
in which case it will appear in the M0 (main console)
The output of the who command may show special symbols
before a player's name. In particular, the ^ means
that player is in a game. Double clicking on a player's name
will highlight it in the console and produce a menu. From
this context menu the user can observe or follow the
player, and access their profile and history. (The user can
also see online players with a specific title, e.g., by
sending who &GMs. Consult ICC's help who
for the details.)
The command games *T returns games with at least one
titled player. Correspondingly, observe *T opens some
game involving a titled player. (Note that the T is
capitalized and the * is not used with the who
Top Games
The Top Games Window lists the top five chesss games featured
by the ICC server's Events List (also accessible from
Lantern's Activities Window),
typically in a range of time controls. The information is
dynamically updated. To display it, click Top Games on
the toolbar or Windows / Top Games Window.