jack o lanternLantern Chess Interface Help Index


Interface help index for playing chess on Mac, Linux and Windows computers on Chessclub.com.

An installer is available for Lantern on both Windows and Mac with current version 6.27 at lanternchess.com

Getting Started
Logging On ICC
Anonymouse and Guest Logins
Installing and Updating Lantern

Titled Players
Info About Titled Players and Games

Playing Games
Getting a Game
Joining Tournaments
Playing Correspondence

Using the Board
Customizing the Look and Feel of the Board
Chess Engine Analysis
Game Communications
Drawing Circles and Arrows
PGN and Logging of Games, Library and Recent Game History
Board's Advanced Menu

Watching Chess Videos and Broadcast
Watching Videos
Viewing with multiple board windows at once.

Arranging Chat
Managing Personal Tells
Tab Menu and Organizing Channels
Managing Qtells, Bot tells to channels - Advanced
Setting Colors and Fonts by Chat Tab
Various things you can do from the keyboard

Windows Menu
Activities: Events List, Notify and Cascade.

Notify Friends

Options Menu
Run a Script
Observing Options
Options / Advanced
Making Chess Boards Always on Top and Detached Windows
Options / Features and Examine Game Replay